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Rishi Fibc / FIBC Bags  / Dissipative FIBC Bags for Transport of Flammable Powders Safely

Dissipative FIBC Bags for Transport of Flammable Powders Safely

Transportation of flammable powder is one of the challenging operations in the logistics industry. One of the biggest reasons behind this is the hazard that flammable powders are carried when stored in a bag during the process of transportation. The hazard reflects challenges pertaining to a build-up of static electricity which builds up between the flammable powder and the bag that has been used to store the powder for the purpose of transportation. One of the biggest reasons behind this is the reactive nature of friction that flammable powders have, which ultimately can result in the development of fire or explosion during the process of storage and transportation of flammable powders. It is because of this reason, it is extremely important to select a proper bag for the storage and transportation of flammable powders. This in turn brings down the risk factor that rides with the transportation and storage of flammable powders. In order to ensure maximization of safety, FIBC bags that are used for this purpose is developed keeping in mind the internal material reduces or nullifies friction. This in turn brings down the possibilities of developing static electricity, which is a common challenging factor with the storage and transportation of flammable powders.

If you are in the flammable powder business and looking for a solution to transport and store flammable powder well in that case you are just in the right place.

There are many different types of FIBC bags available in the market today however, all bags are not ideal for the transportation and storage of flammable powders. A comparison across all the bags will allow you to know, which bag is ideal to serve your purpose and why you should select it for transportation and storage of flammable powders. First, let’s take a look at how Anti-static bags function.

Anti-Static Bags and How it works

Static electricity is made by a lopsidedness of electric charge inside or on the outside of a material. The charge stays until it can move away through an electric flow or electrical release. An electrical release is ordinarily addressed as a flash.

At the point when bulk bags are filled and released, the development of the material across the pack’s texture can cause a development of electricity produced via friction. Electrical sparkles can make extreme perils in those enterprises managing combustible substances, where a flash may light explosive combinations. Airborne fumes and residue billows of finely powdered substances can get explosive or combustible in such a scenario. Every year manufacturing facilities and warehouses across the globe explode or catch fire due to the ignition of their products or raw materials, pertaining to static electricity sparks or residue billows released from the bags.

Anti-Static Bulk Bags are designed to control friction-based electricity along these lines essentially decreasing the danger of a fire or blast. The accompanying data is proposed to clarify the contrasts between the 4 bulk bag classifications or “types”: A, B, C, and D.

Type: A FIBC Bag

Type A bags are made of standard woven non-conductive texture and doesn’t give ANY assurance against static electricity.  Type A bags are alright for shipping NON-FLAMMABLE items. Combustible materials or gases should not be there outside of the bag. It is ideal for the transportation of NON-FLAMMABLE products.

Type: B FIBC Bag

These bags are made of standard woven non-conductive texture with low breakdown voltage intended to forestall sparks and proliferating brush releases. Type B bags are ok for moving FLAMMABLE items. However, combustible materials or gases should not be present outside of the bags. Type B bags contrast with Type A bags in the ability to break down charges through the texture, including the coating, which will be sufficiently low enough to forestall electrostatic releases, for example, proliferating brush releases (< 4kV). Flash releases may happen from the outside of FIBC Type B in the event that they become sullied by, or covered with, a conductive material (water, oil, or grease, for instance). Safety measures should be taken to keep the bags away from such tainting and to keep them away from conductive articles, for example, instruments or metal clasps being set on the FIBC. In spite of the fact that Type B mass bags can forestall proliferating brush releases, they are NOT viewed as anti-static mass bags since they don’t disperse an electrostatic charge.

Even though Type B bags can be used for the purpose of transporting dry flammable powder, they should be in contact with metal or any gaseous or flammable items from outside, since the outer cover does have the ability to breakdown static electricity, making the bag unsuitable and risky for transportation of flammable items.

Type: C FIBC Bag

This bag is made of a woven conductive texture or a non-conductive texture with interconnected conductive strings or fibers. Type C bags are intended to control electrostatic charges by grounding them. Type C bags are ideal for moving FLAMMABLE items. Even when Combustible materials or gases MAY be present outside of the bags. In any case, Type C FIBCs MUST BE GROUNDED during filling and release in order to nullify any charges that might occur during the process. The example of the conductive strings or fibers is considered:

  • A framework encasing a space of non-conductive texture no more prominent than 25cm2
  • A 20mm strip, in which case each string or fiber should be interconnected at two separate spots (normally at the two furthest points).
  • Type C bulk bags should be outfitted with a ground association with which every single conductive board, string, or fiber that are electrically fortified. The resistance of the grounding point from any place on the conductive texture and from the conductive strings and fibers should be under 108 Ω.
  • The lift circles of FIBC Type C bags should likewise contain conductive strings or fibers with resistance from the grounding point of fewer than 108 Ω.
  • The bag should likewise meet the necessities identifying with the breakdown voltage of FIBC Type B (<4kV).

Further to avoid “flash” releases, it is fundamental that the FIBC Type C is always safely grounded. A mark should be appended to the FIBC expressing the position of the grounding points and plainly laying out the grounding prerequisites during filling-in or discharging tasks. The expression, “FIBC should be grounded before opening” should be imprinted in bold letters on both sides of the FIBC.

This clearly highlights that Type C bags are ideal for the transportation of flammable items even when combustible gases and or other solvent flammable in nature is around the bags. However particular care should be taken to ensure that the bags are thoroughly grounded when filling or emptying them during the process of transportation or when the logistics are moving, since the bag functions by dispersing charge into the ground, thus enabling resistance against static electricity.

Type: D FIBC Bag

These bags are made of woven texture which empowers electrostatic charge to be scattered without being grounded. The texture of a Type D FIBC for the most part contains conductive strings or fibers which securely disseminate the charge through low-energy releases. Some Type D bags have a low resistivity lining, which can decrease the danger of combustible releases. Type D bulk bags are alright for moving FLAMMABLE items. Even in the presence of combustible materials or gases outside the bag.

  • Type D FIBCs are NOT REQUIRED TO BE GROUNDED during filling and release.
  • Type D FIBCs should meet the necessities identifying with the breakdown voltage of the FIBC Type B (< 4 kV).
  • Ungrounded channels, for example, metal drums or people nearby Type D bags, can become charged. It should be guaranteed that all conductors are grounded within the sight of an explosive atmosphere.
  • Spark releases may happen from the outside of the FIBC Type D in the event that it is sullied by, or covered with, a conductive material (water, oil, or grease, for instance). Safeguards should be taken to keep away from such pollution and to avoid conductive items, for example, devices or metal clasps being set on the FIBC.
  • Type D bulk bags are made with textures containing semiconductive yarns that securely scatter electricity produced via friction into the climate through protected, low-energy release.

This clearly highlights that Type D bags are ideal for the transportation of flammable items even when combustible gases and or other solvents flammable in nature are around the bags. However particular care should be taken to ensure that the bags are not covered in a conductive material like water, oil, or grease during the process of transportation, since the bag functions by dispersing charge into the atmosphere, thus enabling resistance against static electricity.

Which Bags to select for transporting flammable powder?

The thorough introspection clearly showcases Type C and Type D bags are the most suitable for transportation of flammable powder. However, even though these bags are ideally suited for flammable transportation powder, precautions must be taken based on their requirements in order to avoid any explosion or accident.

For example in Type C bags they must be grounded during the filling, emptying, and transporting process. In the case of Type D at all cost precautions must be taken to ensure that the bags are not covered in any conductive material like water or oil.

This in turn will provide you with adequate safety required for the transportation of flammable powder.

Why Chose Rishi

At any point in time, you feel the need for the Dissipative FIBC bags; no other option would be as good as Rishi FIBC. Being one of the premier manufacturers of Dissipative FIBC bags, Rishi FIBC is certainly the first choice of users. Rishi FIBC has a team of adequately trained and vastly experienced professionals who have the necessary expertise the skillset to manufacture the bags without any compromise in the quality. Rishi FIBC makes sure that all of the Dissipative FIBC bags so manufactured are at par with the quality standards so that each of the users is hundred percent satisfied and can carry out their flammable powder business thoroughly safe with the use of the Dissipative FIBC bags from Rishi FIBC.