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Rishi Fibc / Silo Bags  / Tips for Choosing the Right Size Silo Bag for Grain Storage Needs

Tips for Choosing the Right Size Silo Bag for Grain Storage Needs

Industries that store and handle products must invest in a good storage option. Silo bags are especially an imperative investment in such cases. Specifically, one can use silo bags to store fermented feed grains or agricultural products. The industries involved in the production of silage products can use silo bags.

You may find four types of silo bags, including:

Tower silo

These tower silos are cylindrical structured storage that typically ranges from 10 m to 90 M height. They are generally made of various materials, including concrete staves, wood staves, Steel panels, cast concrete and many more. The best part is that these storage bags can be unloaded into conveyors, trucks and cars.

Advantages of tower silo

  • Lower storage loss
  • Convenient to unload
  • Requires lesser area for construction
  • Allows greater mechanisation
  • Have better packing capabilities

Bunker silo

These silo bags are generally covered in a plastic tarp, making the whole bags airtight. These trenches usually have concrete walls, and their field with tractor loaders.

Advantages of bunker silo

Take a look at some of the benefits of using the bunker silo

  • Can hold large product capacity
  • Inexpensive
  • Offer faster unloading rates
  • Can carry conventional farm pieces of equipment
  • Well-suited for large operations

Silo Bags

The silo bags are heavy plastic tubes and come in variable lengths. These bags have a 2.4 to 3.6 m diameter. Once you back your product in the silo bags, you can protect it from outer elements by sealing both ends of the bags.

Advantages of using silo bags

Take a glimpse of the different benefits of using silo bags

  • Feeds can be easily stored
  • Lower storage losses
  • Flexible storage system
  • It can be used for both small and large amounts of products
  • Prevents health hazards

Silage piles

It is constructed by unloading the silage products into the elevator while piling up all the sillage.

Advantages of using silage piles

Some of the benefits of using this product include:

  • It is suitable for short-term needs
  • Inexpensive

Why choose Rishi FIBC

From medium to ample scale grain storage, you can rely on the silo bags by Rishi FIBC. The company utilises time-tested methods in the manufacturing of the bags. Also, incorporating modern technology makes the whole process flexible, economical and safe to store grains.